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Sy slalu tgk dlm cite, bile someone break up or ade conflict dlm relationship, die akan mkn chocolate atau ice cream atau cake utk hilangkan kesedihan...n bile sy cari dlm intenet pn, byk btol site2 yg cite psl ni...antarenye:
- Urban Dictionary ade definition utk "Break-up Ice Cream" - The gallon of ice cream a female often indulges in, typically all in one night, after having conflicts with the opposite sex....kehkeh ^^
- dlm article "How to Mend a Broken Heart", utk Day 1 & 2 die nye suggestion - Breathe. All you can do is survive this first and difficult day. Take one day at a time. Give yourself permission to mourn. Call in sick at work, sleep all day, sob, eat too much ice cream....true true
nk mkn fondue kt Haagen Dazs!!!!!!! |
- kt facebook, ade page yg bername - "Breakup = Tons of Crying, Cookie Dough Ice Cream and Betty Crockers Icing"...nuff said...ahaks
- eCreamery (pengeluar ice cream) siap ade wat Break Ups Collection yg listed dlm.......jeng jeng jeng......Special Occasion Ice Cream! aaaahahhahahaha...special ke?? flavour yg ade dlm collection ni: "Chocolate Makes it Feel Better" - Chocolate with Fudge Swirls and Brownie Bites, "Love Bites" - Peanut Butter with Peanut Butter Cups & Brownie Bites, "Single is Sweeter " - Vanilla with Chocolate Chips & Cookie Dough, "Recent Breakup Rx" - Mint with Oreos...mahu!!
n selain drp ice cream, chocolate & cake, ade gak mknn lain yg dicadangkn utk menghadapi breakup...hohoho
- yg kt article "Using Food to Help Mend a Broken Heart", antare mknn lain yg die suggest - Turkey (mahalnye!), vitamin B, tea & walnut
- kt article "Top 10 Breakup Food" plak lg detailed...ade food kalo korang sedey bile breakup (temasuk chocolate & ice cream), and ade food kalo korang hepi bile breakup (gummy candies, pasta, burger n fries, n CUPCAKES)...hahaha
sape yg hepi bile breakup, cepat gi mkn cupcakes! |
- ni lg cool! (ke x cool eh?)....ade blog "The Breakup Cookbook" - sume resipi2 dlm tu sesuai utk mereka yg br lps breakup...kihkihkih...rajin la plak nk masak kn tgh sedey2 tu ;p
oh...point sy wat entry ni? sbb sy baru discover yg sy bkn jenis yg boley mkn time sy sedey....sy x ley ikot pape yg disuggest dlm article2 n site2 di atas...so sy kagum gak aa ngan dorang2 ni....sbb bile sy sedey, sy rase cam samting tersekat dlm tekak...x ley telan mknn atau air sedap2 (eh?)....btol....jd sy boley minum air masak je walopon perut lapa gile....tp bile dpn org, kene aa mkn kn...pakse gak telan ape2 yg ade mase tu walopon rase cam telan kertas....n berat bdn pn turun 4kg dlm mase 2 minggu
tapi tapi tapi..............tu mase sedey je....bile sy stress? mak aih...cam x ley stop mkn! hahaha...tebalik tros...mase tu aa sume bende nk kunyah....rase nk mkn kek je tros beli kek....rase nk chocolate, tros beli susu berperisa chocolate....so berat yg turun seblom ni ngan cepatnye recover blk...haha...
kesimpulannye? xde kesimpulan...ok bai
p.s: dh namblas kali telan air liur tgk gamba2 ice cream, chocolate & cake....nk molten chocolate cake kt secret recipe...jom!
kakak yg sweet, blog awk sudah sedikit matured..hehehe~ dlu mcm tadika..
kl sy sedih, sy makan byk..hikss~
dulu mcm tadika?? hahahaha
loni sy x sedih dh...so loni sy mkn byk...ahaks
kalo ko xley nk makan, ko bg aku makan, mungkin ko kurang sedih kot bile tgk makanan ko habes gak kan.. hehe
tp aku rase mungkin aku akan kurang sedih kalo ade org banje karok mase tu supaye dpt melalak kuat2....ahakss
hohoo.. apsal gigi aku terasa ngilu2 sakit bile tgok gambar eskem kau nih?? hak3~
tu sbb gigi ko excited nk banje aku eskem tersebut! ngahahaha
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